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3. Remora - Part II (Nafay)

Played on October 9th, 2022


Adzem with my help starts to prepare for his Djinn banishing ritual. Meanwhile one of the Orun II crewmembers drops down through the ceiling of the engine room and meets up with Morgiana and Neomi. She explains the crawled through the airvent from the front to the back to escape from a couple of beings which emerged from statis pods they found in a block of ice. One of the beings has caught up with us and slashes Adzem and me right before being mortally wounded by Callum. Morgiana and Neomi join up with us after a spacewalk. They invesitgate the ships observatory where they find the statis pods and two additional beings. They are again taken care of by Callum. Meanwhile, Maruf investigates the bridge where he finds two seamingly lifeless bodies of crewmembers. As he pokes the captain it responds in a very weird way before going back to his lifeless state. Than another spaceship docks the Orun II and we see Remora through the airlock door window. She blows up the door and charges in with her crew.