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Session 7 (Bobby)

Played on July 30th, 2006
Part Four of the Demons story arc

Jerusalem, August 10, 2005

Befaloh was wide awake again and urged us to get into our van. But when we got to it, a huge muscular figure occupied the front seat. Vitto is not amused to start of with, but after a small bulging of muscles, we all accept the fact Tomas is here to stay. He tells us he was send by his demon prince Kronos to help our operation here in Jerusalem.
Befaloh orders us to enter the van and we speed of. Melchior is still not convinced that Tomas is on our side and asks him to proof himself a worthy demon. A knocked out dog-owner and a criple dog later we're all very sure Tomas is a demon at heart. We head for Befaloh's house as he doesn't expect the Angels to raid this house so soon again.

When we reach the house, the TV is still turned on. It is showing the house, burning down in Jerusalem. Seluku is very amused by the sight and smirks slightly.
We all tell our part of the chaos creation story and Befaloh likes the result; 'A good distraction from the master plan which is to unfold a week from now: the assassination of the Pope who'll visit Jerusalem'. We are to contact the two terrorist cells who will take care of the dirty work. One cell who live in the Ali Iber Talid street are going to work on infiltration. And another cell who have their residence on the Kalett Street will provide the sharpshooter.
We will act as the intermediate cell between those two groups.

We head for the infiltration cell first to find out what their plans are and if they got just a tad more clue than the last cell we had to deal with. When we arrive at the house, Luke knocks on the door causing all hell to break lose. Ok we're dealing with another pack of idiots, who run at the first sign of trouble. Let's see if we can keep them contained. One of the terrorists is tackled by Vitto before he can reach the get-away car. The others try to speed of, but blowing up one of the tires by Seluku does fix that problem. Eventually after some struggling and grappling all the terrorists are contained.
One of them manages to break free, he runs into the house and grabs the phone to call the police. Vitto doesn't appreciate this and breaks the phone. The guy doesn't know when to give up, so he runs to the first floor and grabs another phone. Vitto who's really pissed now also grabs this phone and inserts it into the mans skull. He didn't see that coming and passes out. Luckily we have Melchior along who stabilizes the terrorsist, who shouldn't lose any of them yet. They still got their work to do for us!

Tomas and Bobby start searching throught he house and backyard for clues about the plans of this cell. In the shed in the yard there's a large locked trapdoor. Two seconds later there's a large gaping hole, as Tomas removed the trapdoor. we climb down and find exactly what we were looking for, the plans on how to engage the pope ont he 17th of August. We also find 3 security badges.

Jerusalem, August 11, 2005

The plans describe the route the pope will take; He arrives at the airport at about 8 in the morning, he'll go to the old city where he will attend a service in the Sepulcher from 8:30 till 9:00. This will be followed by a trip through the old-city, the Christian part, ending at the Dome of the Roch at 10:30 where he'll have a discussion with the Moslim leaders. After that he'll head back to the airport for further discussions in a safe environment.
The assassination will take place just before the Dome, as the pope has to leave his car there. These guys will likely use the badges to infiltrate the guards, so they can allow the sharpshooter to get as close as popssible to the pope, with a clear line of sight.

While this investigation of the plans is going on, Luke and Vitto drive the stolen van to a secluded area, where they set fire to the vehicle to get rid of any evidence.

After they return, Vitto, Melchior and Bobby head for the other Kalett street to pay a visit to the other terrorist cell.
Melchior enters the house and after a knock on the door it seems people start to wake up. This time we introduce ourselves as being send by Youram. After the mornign prayers we can come back. Of course we don't agree and we wait in the hallway. One of the residents comes jumping down the stairs and runs into Vitto's fists.
Another one is still upstairs saying some silent prayers, after that we hear a gunshot. Vitto and Boobby head upstairs to check what happened. Upstairs we discover the body of a guy who just shot himself and two small rooms containing 4 beds. As we don't have much time before the police will arrive, we quickly scan the two rooms for more information about the assassination, but we can't fnd anything.
When we head downstairs again, also the second person took his own life in Allah's name. I hope not all terrorists are this stupid, else we'll have to come up with every bit if the plan again, like last time.
Vitto has been paying good attention to Seluku's activities and sets fire to the house, again desteroying any evidence we might have left.

When we arrive back at the first address, one of the terrorists is waking up with soem slight help. This guy starts to wake up the other terrorists and we learn their names are Milli, Iben, Sari, Yoaf and the one with the phone imprint in his head is called Chahim. Milli is apparently the leader of this bunch and he starts explaining the plan. Chahim and Iben will somehow disable 3 guards whjo will be replaced by the other 3 terrorists using the badges. They'll then soomehow have to recognize the shooter via a signal which is still to be determined by us as middlemen. After they are done explaining it's already 2:30 in the morning and they still want to catch some sleep.
Luke, Seluku and Tomas head for the second address to see if they can find out anything about the fact that the house was ment for 4 occupants where we only found 2. After the morning prayers, two arabs appear, but as they see the police stickers ont he door they quickly walk on and head for the old city through Herod's gate.
Tomas catches up with the couple and starts walking beside them. He introduces himself as a contact person coming from Youram and asks them what they were doing at the house. The two who lived in the house were to provide wigs and the gun. Tomas makes an appointment with the two guys to meet again in 2 days after the 3rd prayer at the Mosque.

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