2 - Frostbite’s First Taste of Fun

From The Wild Beyond the Witchlight
Session 1Session 2Session 3Session 12

What is this place?

Played on 24-11-2024
Day 9
by Frostbite

As the carnival unfolded before them, Frostbite found himself more perplexed than ever, yet strangely intrigued. The icy barbarian, accustomed to the harsh solitude of his life, began to feel a sense of warmth -though not entirely physical- among these peculiar companions and the vivid chaos of the Witchlight Carnival.

The Walking Tree

The group decided to head towards the Bubbletop Teapot, drawn by the whimsy of the carnival, but their path led them to an earlier acquaintance a 12-foot-tall walking tree adorned with emerald clouds and golden garlands. Maple seeds spiraled from its branches like miniature propellers, and a squirrel scurried around the tree, distributing white dandelions to visitors. Frostbite approached, his expression its usual stoic mask, but when a seed drifted down and landed in his outstretched hand, a surge of energy coursed through him.

A flicker of something unfamiliar tugged at the corners of his lips, a half-smile. It was subtle but unmistakable, and Maeve nudged Ashira to point it out. Frostbite quickly resumed his stoic demeanor, but the seed remained clutched in his hand as the group gathered their gifts and moved on.

Bubbletop Teapot Adventures

The towering teapot was a marvel, a 20-foot structure painted with living, animated drawings. Patrons entered through the base and emerged from the spout encased in bubbles that floated gracefully across the carnival.

At the entrance, seven goblins were sipping tea and posed a riddle to the group. Frostbite furrowed his brow, confusion evident on his face. Fortunately, Maeve's quick wit saved the day as she confidently deciphered the goblins' cryptic question. Her reward was a fragrant bag of tea, and the group’s tickets were punched as they entered the teapot.

Inside the bubbles, the group experienced various antics. Brolin attempted acrobatics, causing a few amused snickers. Others experimented with steering, while Frostbite sat still, testing the bubble's resilience with his club. He found the experience surprisingly entertaining, his amusement showing in a rare chuckle.

Feasting Orchard and a Contest of Custard

The scent of food lured the party to the Feasting Orchard, along the way Frostbite stopped for cookies. His ticket was punched thrice as he procured three large treats, savoring their sweetness. When the group stumbled upon an eating contest, Frostbite’s eyes gleamed with the promise of more food.

The challenge? Eat as many custard pie cupcakes as possible in sixty seconds. Frostbite and Brolin joined the fray alongside a massive orc and other competitors. Brolin overdid it, collapsing halfway through, but Frostbite’s determination (and stomach capacity) proved unmatched. In the final seconds, he devoured his twentieth cupcake, beating the orc by a single pie. His prize was a shimmering cupcake that seemed almost magical, and the contest organizer restored the participants’ stamina with a congratulatory touch.

Frostbite, undeterred, promptly ate another cookie.

Staring Down the Cyclops

Ashira tried her hand at a staring contest with a cyclops, and while Frostbite stood ready to step in if she faltered, she triumphed. The cyclops vanished with a huff, and the group continued their exploration, spirits high.

The Dragonfly Rides

The dragonfly rides were breathtaking. They noticed a dwarf with a blue beard struggling with a loose safety harness. The group swiftly coordinated to steady the dragonfly and save the dwarf from a dangerous fall. Each member climbed onto a colorful dragonfly that hovered on a massive lily pad and ascended into the sky.

From above, Frostbite spotted a girl wearing a pig mask sneaking through the carnival. She lacked wings and bore a guilty demeanor. Recognizing her as someone who might lose something precious, he landed at the ticket booth and purchased a ticket for her. While the group pursued another suspicious figure, a shapechanger who eventually revealed himself as a Kenku and the group learned about his story and his desires. Frostbite remained focused on his self-appointed task of righting a wrong.

Mystery Mine Anticipation

Reuniting with the group, they passed a game involving guessing the number of feathers on a caged cockatrice. Frostbite voiced his desire to free the creatures, seeing their confinement as cruel, but the group reassured him that they were well cared for and potentially dangerous. Reluctantly, he let it go.

The next stop for the evening was the Mystery Mine, a thrilling cart ride through the dark. At the entrance, a dwarf named Zephixo, dressed like a wizard, welcomed them. A mechanical contraption with a clockwork eye invited them to peer inside before the ride began.

Frostbite, as skeptical as ever, stared into the eye, wondering what new chaos awaited him. For the first time in ages, he felt something unexpected-anticipation.

As the carts plunged into the darkness, Frostbite couldn’t help but think: Maybe this “fun” thing isn’t so bad.

Session 1Session 2Session 3Session 12

Updated on: 11:18