2 - We Are Having Fun
Session 1 | Session 2 | Session 3 | Session 12 | |
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Ashira Brolin Frostbite | Ashira Brolin Frostbite | Ashira Brolin Frostbite | Ashira Brolin Frostbite |
We met this enormous walking tree, with golden ribbons in its branches. It shed maple seeds, and I managed to catch one. The moment it touched my hand, it transformed into a gold coin. Curious... A squirrel nearby handed me a dandelion, urging me to make a wish. For a moment, I hesitated, letting my thoughts wander. Then I closed my eyes, made my wish, and blew the seeds into the air.
Bubble-pop Teapot
We wandered to the Bubble-pop Teapot. The goblins at the entrance were drinking tea and one of them pinched our tickets. There was a sign hinting at talking in odd ways. Maeve spoke strangely and was rewarded for her effort. I said "pottea", but it didn’t land. Maybe I wasn’t funny.
Inside, everything turned pitch black until we emerged from the spout, floating in a bubble. From the air, I searched the carnival for the portal to the Feywild. But I remembered too late: it doesn’t have to look like a portal. It could be anything. That thought lingered like a shadow even as the sights of the carnival below enchanted me.
Feasting Orchard
We landed near the Feasting Orchard. There was singing, dancing, and the sweet smells of mead and pies. While I ordered some mead, Brolin and Frostbite signed up for a custard-cupcake-eating-contest. I cheered for Brolin, but when the contest began, it turned out he couldn’t stomach much. Frostbite, on the other hand, devoured 20 cupcakes in a minute, earning my respect, cheers and the winner’s prize!
The Cyclops

On our way to the Dragonflies, a different attraction caught my attention: a staring contest with a Cyclops. I decided to try. Its massive eye fixed on mine, but I didn't blink, until finally, I won. In that moment, the Cyclops vanished. For my victory, I received a peculiar prize: a wine bottle that sang carnival music when opened, but also containing a rich, fragrant wine. Strange, but delightful. And I gladly shared it with the others.
Then came the Dragonflies. We saw a dwarf nearly fall from one of them. It didn’t concern me much—it was his problem to solve, but Zephyr, of course, rushed to help. I noticed something else: a figure slinking away from the crowd. Shady types always catch my attention.
Maeve must have noticed too because she started searching for him from the air, and when she landed I followed her. Whatever secrets this figure carried, I wanted to know.

Maeve confronted him. But he looked different... I studied him carefully and noticed an illusion. He was a Kenku. After some convincing he told us his name, Kettlesteam. He had lost contact with his patron, Zybilna, who we had already heard was missing. Hearing it from him only deepened the mystery.
He claimed Witch and Light wouldn’t help him, and trying to get their attention, he wanted to ruin the carnival. He also mentioned overhearing them speaking of an Hourglass Coven and making compromises to "stay in business". Something felt off about that.
Kettlesteam proposed stealing the Witchlight Vane from Light and trading it for passage to the Feywild. It was bold and reckless, but there was a certain logic to it. I couldn’t deny it appealed to me—not as our first move, but as a backup plan if our efforts to charm Witch and Light failed.
Still, we convinced Kettlesteam to wait. Instead of disrupting the carnival, we would try bringing joy to it, making Witch and Light happy enough to reveal the crossing on their own. He agreed for now, but his impatience was clear.
The Mystery Mine
Before heading to the Mystery Mine, Brolin came up with an idea: he had someone paint a big smile on my face. It felt strange at first, but then Maeve conjured an illusion of how I looked with the painted grin. The sight was ridiculous, and while I couldn’t laugh, I felt a flicker of amusement that I hadn’t expected.
Then we walked past a feather guessing game, and Dhanell guessed the exact number of feathers on a cockatrice! Impressive, as always. Brolin tried also but failed, but was having fun anyways.
At the entrance to the Mystery Mine, a dwarven wizard gestured toward a clockwork eye. "Look into the eye," he said. Then we step onto the cart and it entered through a big mouth into the deep...
Session 1 | Session 2 | Session 3 | Session 12 | |
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Ashira Brolin Frostbite | Ashira Brolin Frostbite | Ashira Brolin Frostbite | Ashira Brolin Frostbite |
Updated on: 11:26