print layout
Wounds and Armor
10 | |||||||||
0/1 | |||||||||
5-6 | 7-9 | 3-4 | |||||||
0/1 | 0/1 | 0 | |||||||
2 | 1 | ||||||||
1 | 1 | ||||||||
Name: | Groa Asfriddottir |
Jarl: | Bjorgen Helgeson |
Profession: | Hunter |
Gender: | Female |
Age: | 15 |
Height: | 1.58m |
Weight: | 61 kg |
Mission: | Join the next raid |
Duty: | Die honorably in battle and go to Fólkvangr |
Craving: | Love |
Misplaced Confidence (Direction): Any Direction roll has +3 difficulty. If you fail a roll because of that, you get 1 XP.XP:

Stats and Skills
Body | 3 | Coordination | 4 | Sense | 3 | Command | 1 | Charm | 1 | Knowledge | 1 |
Athletics Endurance Fight Parry Run Vigor | 1 3 2+ED 0 1 3 | Climb Dodge Perform Ride Stealth Weapon Skill Bows | 2 2 0 0 3 4+ED | Direction Eerie Empathy Hearing Scrutinize Sight Expert: Survival | 1 0 0 5 0 4+ED 5 | Haggle Inspire Intimidate Perform... | 0 0 0 0 | Fascinate Graces Lie Jest Plead | MD 4 0 0 0 | Counterspell Healing Language: Viking Lore Strategy Student of... Tactics | 0 0 MD 0 0 0 0 |
Weapon | Killing | Shock | Notes |
0 | W | ||
1 | W | ||
W | 0 | ||
W | 0 | Range: Long | |
W | 1 | Range: Long | |
W+1 | 0 | ||
W | 1 | ||
Armor Type | Locations covered | AR | Weigth |
10 | 1 | L (only used in battle) | |
1-2 | 1 | L | |
4 or 6 and choice | 1 | M (if equiped) | |
7-9 | 1 | M (only used in battle) | |
1-9 | 1 | M | |
4 or 6 and choice | 3 | M (if equiped) | |
Advantages, Martial Paths & Esoteric Disciplines
Beauty (3)You’re exceptional gorgeous — the sort of thing where a decadent noble might want to marry or abduct you, depending on culture and personal inclination.
In game terms, any time you roll a low success with your Fascinate or Graces Skills, there’s a minimum Height to your set (7). If you roll under it, your Beauty raises it.
Eye of Death
If you take a round to aim, you add 2d to your pool instead of 1. If you take two rounds to aim, you add 4d to your pool. Otherwise, aiming works as usual.
Any time you fire, and it's not part of a multiple action, you can bypass 1AR that's provided by armor. AR from martial techniques or sorcery still defends.
Your quickest bowshot in a round is timed to match the quickest action by any opponent.
As Goddess in the Grave or Arrow of Gentle Repose, but not both. In addition, while using this technique you do not lose dice from bow attack sets when you get hit.
While using this technique, you do not lose dice from your bow attack sets when you get hit. When you roll a success with an arrow attack, the you roll a success with an arrow attack, the attack is “twinned” – that is, a second attack is resolved as if it had an identical roll, aimed at the same target. If you make multiple attacks, they all get doubled. The normal and ‘twin’ attacks require one arrow apiece, of course.
Relations to other PCs:
- Asfrid - My mother, her stories inspired me to become a shieldmaiden!
- Olvir - My half-brother. Both children of the previous yarl. He has differeny ideas than me, but we can also have fun together. And he looks our for me.
- Thorg - Sees me like his own daughter (who died).
- Gunnleif - The handsome Oracle apprentice, a reason to get injured.
- Trygve - The shipbuilder, his ships look awesome, and he is Gunnleif's brother!
DM questions
- What do you do from day to day? - Groa spends her day going into the forest to hunt, check and set traps. At home she helps her mother where needed.
- How do you see religion? - It's a fact, the Norse gods are the only gods.
- Which gods are important to you? - Freya is most important (in charge of love, fertility, battle, and death).
- How do you think about Christianity? - There is a lot of gold, a good target to raid
- Why do you raid? - Proof myself for the gods and to gain wealth and status for our village.
Groa was born 15 years ago. She had a half-brother, Olvir, who was 3 at that time. They were children of Birger, the Yarl. Because of that they had a good youth. Her mother Asfrid took good care of her when she was not on a raid. Asfrid, who was a shieldmaiden, told her stories about those raids and how Freya helped them. Already at a young age she dreamt of joining those raids as a shieldmaiden.
Groa turned out to be good with a bow. Her sight and aim where extremely good. Thorg, the blacksmith who lost his own daughter who was the same age as Groa, saw Groa as his own daughter and they often did things together. He also trained her to fight with different kind of weapons.
Groa also learned a lot from her mother. Asfrid often gave advice to her father and convinced listeners to agree with her arguments. Since Groa often was present she learned a lot from listening and watching those conversations.
In the spring, when Groa was 11 years old, the village was attacked by $enemyYarl. During that battle Birger, her father, was killed. Groa saw that happening. She took her bow and killed one of the attackers. But then they captured her and took her with them. She was taken on their boats, probably for ransom because she was the yarl's daughter. The journey took weeks, and they sailed mostly north. When arrived at their village Groa managed to escape. But she was far away from home and had no idea how to get there. She managed to survive and get far away from that village. All she knew is that she had to go south.
She was in the wilderness for months, and survived by eating berries and capturing small animals. It was a lonely time, but she learned a lot about taking care of herself out there. But winter was coming soon, and she knew she had to find her home before than, else she would freeze to death. It was when the first snow started to fall when Olvir with a small group from the village found her. It seems they found her tracks 3 days ago and that way found her. They returned home safe.
After that Groa appreciated being in the woods more. She used her bow skills to help hunting for food and furs for the village. But after her fathers death there was a new yarl, $newyarl. He thought different about things than her father. He wouldn't allow woman to join raids. Since that time, all the raids turned out bad, and resources became more scarce in the village.
Char costs:
Stats: 35Skills: 46
ED: 1
Adv.: 3
Total: 85