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>Sandcat RPG stuff >Princes of the Apocalypse >Characters >Arisys' background

Arisys' background


Arisys was born into the very influental halfling family, the Gryfs, as the second child, first daughter. Her father was the leader of hafling community and reknown throughout the region amongst the other races, due to his very active participation in various trades with those races.
This is where Arisys picked up the Elvish language, during the frequent trade trips into Eleven territory.

Eventually the Gryf family started to grow so strong they wanted to expand their territory, very much to the dismay of some evil races living just outside the boundaries of the halfling community. This lead to one day where a horde of rampaging half-orcs and other evil breeds ransacked the village and slaughtered anyone and everyone in their path. The entire Gryf family lost their lives, apart from Arisys. Due to her stealthy skills she barely managed to get away. Quite a few other halflings from their community had managed the same, probably due to the fact that the horde had been focussing on eliminating the Gryf's.

There and then Arisys swore an oath to get revenge for the murder on her family by any means necessary. This led her to join an assassins guild where she honed her stealthy skills and learned to wield weapons with deadly accuracy.

During her search for the creatures responsible, she has heard about a half-orc ranger called Grimjaw, who leads a band of mercenaries. She has now made it her primary goal in live to hunt down and kill him.

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