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>Arisys' background
>Naeris - Intro
>Rodan Thundershield
>Varaf the Magnificent
>Varaf the Magnificent - Intro


>Sandcat RPG stuff >Princes of the Apocalypse >Characters >Naeris - Intro

Naeris - Intro

“Please, sit down”. The head of your order, Hanor Kichavo, beckons you. Next to him, a beautiful woman you have never seen before is crouched on the floor.

“I am Storm Silverhand, leader of the organisation the Harpers”, she says. Although she is no elf, her beauty and the singing tone of her voice rivals the beauty of your race.

“The honorable Mr Kichavo told me you are in need. In need to learn. In need to explore. In need to seek. And, in the end, in need to find. I can help you with that. My organisation and me can teach you things this monastery can not. Will you accept my assignment?”

Confused you take a look at Mr Kichavo for help. He silently nods and after some final hesitation, you follow his example. Of course you do. You wonder if anyone could refuse this beautiful woman any request. Let alone yourself.

Storm tells you she would like you to investigate a matter of a missing dwarf called Bruldenthar. He was member of a caravan travelling south from Mirabar to Waterdeep. He was carrying manuscripts that were important to the Harpers. She tells you the caravan was ambushed somewhere in Dessarin Valley and also mentions a knight named Thurl Merosska might be involved in the ambush. Finally, she tells you there will be other Harper agents who will join you in completing this task. Their appearance and behaviour will teach you valuable lessons about the world.

After a final healthy meal at the Monestary of the Sun, you set off on your pilgrimage northwards. Your journey into the Dessarin Valley leads you to the town of Red Larch first. Upon arriving in Red Larch, you find a busy trading town located at the foot of the Sumber Hills. The town is not that large, and you quickly spot an inn located just across the road from a tavern to your right. Located just before the inn on your left hand side you walk past a small shrine.

Even at this midday hour the tavern, a ramshackle two story building with a sign saying “The Helm at Highsun”, appears to be pretty busy already. You decide to settle first and head for the inn opposite. It is called the Swinging Sword inn, and it’s friendly proprietor named Kaylessa Irkel bids you a warm welcome when you step inside. Rooms are nicely priced and available so you are in luck.

While unpacking you hear that the locals have already picked up on the missing delegation. This is not that strange, seeing as it was a large, well-armed party and there were no reasons to assume something should have gone wrong. However, nearly everyone agrees that this is the latest in a string of misfortune that seems to have befallen the area in the last few months.

You occupy a table and wait patiently. After quite some time, you notice at a table opposite the room of yours a small band of very colourful people is forming. Deciding these might be the other agents Storm spoke about, you approach their table and after some awkward introductions, you confirm they are indeed members of the Harpers.

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