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Enzo Diamondborn
Chaotic Good
90 cm
16 kg
Common, Gnomish
Armor Class
Physical Defense
Mental Defense
Save Bonuses
112 / 112
8 / 8
Recovery Roll
Initially unknown to Enzo, he is the reincarnation of legendary hero Garik Firebrand. The Prince of Shadows, Elf Queen and the Archmage know or suspect this. Some people unconsciously recognize him, sometimes causing odd reactions.
Positive: The Prince of Shadows (1 point)
Positive: The Elf Queen (1 point)
Positive: The Archmage (2 points)
Worked for his father, a travelling merchant (3 points)
Fan-boy of heroes and adventures past (3 points)
Reincarnation of legendary sorcerer Garik Firebrand(5 points)
Gnomes have a +2 AC bonus against opportunity attacks.
Once per battle, when you roll a natural 16+ with an attack, you can also daze the target until the end of your next turn.
Minor Illusions
As a standard action, at-will, you can create a strong smell or a sound nearby. Nearby creatures that fail a normal save notice the smell or sound. Creatures that make the save may notice it but recognize it as not exactly real.
GP: 264
Javelin x4
Mountaineering supplies
Fake beard
First scroll
Chest we got from Azivaax
Fancy robes bought in court of stars
Metallic Protector Heritage (Great Gold Wyrm)
Your rolls to re-use breath weapon spells during a fight gain a +2 bonus.
Chromatic Destroyer Heritage (The Three)
You can have multiple breath weapon spells active at the same time.
Magical Heritage (Archmage)
Once per day, as a quick action when the escalation die is 1+, you can enter a spell frenzy until the end of the battle. While in a spell frenzy, you roll 2d20 for each of your sorcerer spell attacks. Use the highest die as your attack roll, but track whether the other die hits. For each die that misses, you take damage equal to double the level of the target of your attack.
Chromatic Destoyer Heritage Adventurer Feat
You gain a +2 attack bonus with empowered breath weapon spells.
Magical Heritage Adventurer Feat
You gain resist energy damage 12+ to fire and to cold.
Lightning Fork Adventurer Feat
Once per battle, reroll a lightning fork attack.
Ritual Casting
You can cast any spells you know as rituals.
Magical Heritage Champion Feat
Increase fire resistance to 16+.
Chromatic Destroyer Heritage Champion Feat
Once per day, turn a breath weapon re-use failure into a success.
Champion-level further backgrounding
Add 3 background points to Garrick background.
The pedantic pendant (paragon in book)
Passive: +1 to saves when you have 25 hp or fewer. Recharge 16+: When you use this neckalce you gain another use of your racial power in the battle.
Black ring of Curiosity (Thief's eye in book)
Close eyes to look through ring.
Adrian's pointy hat of the rolling tempest
When the power of the cloak is invoked, it causes the wearer to explode into a bolt of searing lightning and near-instantaneously cross a short distance before reappearing with a deafening bang.
Passive: +2 bonus on MD.
Recharge 11+:As a Move action, place yourself in a nearby location you can see. Deal 4 lightning damage to each enemy you are engaged with when you use this power (Champion: 7 damage, Epic; 10 damage). Deal the same amount of thunder damage to each enemy you are engaged with after using the power, provided they have not already taken lightning damage.
Adrian's magical book
No clue what it does or what it contains.
Wand of the mage's invisible Aegis
Passive: +2 bonus on attack and damage for spells.
Recharge 11+: Cast the wizard's shield spell at your level (7).
Close-quarters spell
Recharge 11+ after battle
Free action to cast, when an attack hits your AC.
Effect: The attacker must reroll the attack. You must accept the new result.
3rd level spell You gain a +2 AC bonus against the rerolled attack.
5th level spell You can also use the spell against attacks that target your Physical Defense; replace references to AC with PD.
7th level spell The bonus to AC/PD on the rerolled attack increases to +4.
9th level spell The bonus to AC/PD on the rerolled attack increases to +6.
Ability Score Bonus
Hit Points
Magic Item slot
Skills (+1)
Power / Spell
Icon rel. (ask GM)
Chaos Bolt
Ranged spell
Special: The first time you use chaos bolt each battle, determine a random energy type. The spell deals that type of damage each time you use it that battle.
Target: One nearby enemy OR one far away enemy with a –2 attack penalty
Attack: Charisma + Level (15) vs. PD
Hit: 5d8 + Charisma (14) random energy damage, and if the natural attack
roll was even, you gain a chaotic benefit as if you had gathered power.
Miss: Damage equal to your level (7).
3rd level spell 3d8 damage.
5th level spell 5d8 damage.
7th level spell 7d8 damage.
9th level spell 9d8 damage.
The Queen's Shadows
5th level ranged spell
Special: Once you cast this spell in a battle, you can cast it atwill for the rest of that battle.
Target: One nearby enemy
Attack: Charisma + Level (15) vs. MD
Hit: 8d6 + Charisma (14) psychic damage, and if the natural attack
roll is even, you can teleport to a nearby location you can see.
Miss: Damage equal to your level (7).
7th level spell 9d10 damage. 9th level spell 10d12 damage.
Teleport Shield
3rd level close-quarters wizard spell
Special:For the rest of the battle, once per round when an enemy moves to engage you, you can make the following attack against it as a free action before it has the chance to attack in melee.
Attack: Intelligence + Level (9) vs. PD
Hit: Teleport the enmey somewhere nearby you can see. You can place them in combat with one of your allies, but you can't place them in a dangerous location (lava pit or mid-air or other cheesy tricks; it's a defensive telport rather than the perfect offensive tool).
5th level spell The telported enemy also takes 4d10 damage.
7th level spell 6d10 damage.
9th level spell 10d10 damage.
Breath of the Blue
7th level close-quarters spell
Target: One nearby enemy; breath weapon
Attack: Charisma + Level (15) vs. PD
Hit: 10d12 + Charisma (14) lightning damage, and at the start of the target's next turn, 1d6 of its nearby allies take 20 lightning damage.
Miss: Half damage, and no damage to target's allies.
9th level spell 2d10 x 10 damage, and 25 lightning damage to nearby allies.
Breath Weapon: For the rest of the battle, roll a d20 at the start of each of your turns; on a 16+, you can use breath of the blue that turn if you wish.
Breath of the Black
5th level close-quarters spell
Target: One nearby enemy; breath weapon
Attack: Charisma + Level (15) vs. MD
Hit: 10d10 + Charisma (14) acid damage, and 40 ongoing acid damage.
Miss: 20 ongoing acid damage.
7th level spell 10d10 damage, and 40 ongoing damage 20 ongoing on a miss.
9th level spell 2d6 x 10 damage, and 60 ongoing damage 30 ongoing on a miss.
Breath Weapon: For the rest of the battle, roll a d20 at the start of each of your turns; on a 16+, you can use breath of the black that turn if you wish.
Lightning Fork
Ranged spell
Recharge 16+ after battle
Target: One nearby enemy; chain spell
Attack: Charisma + Level (15) vs. PD
Hit: 10d10 + Charisma (14) lightning damage.
Miss: Half damage.
3rd level spell 7d6 damage.
5th level spell 6d10 damage.
7th level spell 10d10 damage.
9th level spell 2d8 x 10 damage.
Chain Spell: Each time you make a natural even attack roll, you can attack a different target with the spell.
Breath of the Green
Close-quarters spell
Target: 1d4 nearby enemies in a group; breath weapon
Attack: Charisma + Level (15) vs. PD
Hit: 35 + Charisma (14) ongoing poison damage.
Miss: 15 ongoing poison damage.
5th level spell 25 + Charisma (14) ongoing poison damage
10 ongoing on a miss.
7th level spell 35 + Charisma (14) ongoing poison damage
15 ongoing on a miss.
9th level spell 50 + Charisma (14) ongoing poison damage
25 ongoing on a miss.
Breath Weapon: For the rest of the battle, roll a d20 at the start
of each of your turns; on a 16+, you can use breath of the green
that turn if you wish.
Harkk's Hammerfall
Close-quarters spell
Enzo flavor:A phantasmal well-armored dwarf smashes up the targets with a giant hammer.
Target: 1d2 nearby enemies in a group; breath weapon
Attack: Charisma + Level (15) vs. PD
Hit: 6d12 + Charisma (14) cold damage.
Miss: Half damage.
3rd level spell 5d6 damage.
5th level spell 4d10 damage.
7th level spell 6d12 damage.
9th level spell 10d12 damage.
Breath Weapon: For the rest of the battle, roll a d20 at the start of each of your turns; on a 16+, you can use breath of the white dragon that turn if you wish.
Resist Energy
Ranged spell
Recharge 16+ after battle
Target: You or one nearby ally
Effect: Until the end of the battle, the target gains resist damage 12+ to the following energy type of your choice: cold, fire, lightning, thunder.
3rd level spell Choose two types of energy the target gains
resistance to.
5th level spell Resistance is now 16+.
7th level spell The spell now affects two targets.
9th level spell Recharge roll is now 11+.
Scorching Ray
Ranged spell
Target: One nearby enemy
Attack: Charisma + Level (15) vs. PD
Hit: 1d6 + Charisma (14) fire damage, and if the natural attack roll is even, the target also takes 1d8 ongoing fire damage.
Miss: Damage equal to your level (7).
3rd level spell 3d6 damage 2d4 ongoing.
5th level spell 4d6 damage 2d6 ongoing.
7th level spell 6d6 damage 3d6 ongoing.
9th level spell 10d6 damage 5d6 ongoing.
Azyvax's judgement
Close-quarters spell
Enzo flavor: A phantasmal yellow-green dragon gets super-imposed over Enzo and breaths fire on the targets.
Targets: Up to two nearby enemies in a group
Attack: Charisma + Level (15) vs. PD
Hit: 1d6 + Charisma (14) fire damage.
3rd level spell 1d8 damage.
5th level spell 2d8 damage.
7th level spell 3d8 damage.
9th level spell 5d8 damage.
Three Dooms
5th level ranged spell
Recharge 16+ after battle
Target: One nearby enemy; chain spell
Attack: Charisma + Level vs. PD
Hit: 2d4 x 10 random energy damage, and you take damage of the same type equal to the unmodified dice roll (2d4, 2d8, or 2d12). (Note that there’s no Charisma bonus to damage.)
Miss: Half damage, and you still take random energy damage equal to the unmodified dice roll.
7th level spell 2d8 x 10 damage. 9th level spell 2d12 x 10 damage. Chain Spell: Each time you make a natural even attack roll, you can attack a different target with the spell.
Unearthly Glamour
5th level ranged spell
Effect: You gain a +5 bonus to all Charisma skill checks for the next five minutes. If you fail a Charisma skill check during this time, however, anyone you were attempting to convince or influence with the check is freaked out or disgusted by the supernatural glamour attached to you and has extremely negative reactions to you.
7th level spell The effect lasts for 1 hour.
9th level spell The effect lasts for 2 hours.
Chaos Pulse
Ranged spell
Target: One random nearby enemy
Attack: Charisma + Level (15) vs. PD
Hit: 3d10 + Charisma (14) random energy damage.
Even Miss: Half damage.
Odd Miss: Damage equal to your level (7).
5th level spell 5d10 damage.
7th level spell 7d10 damage.
9th level spell 9d10 damage.
Dragon's Leap
Ranged spell
Quick action to cast
Target: You; breath weapon
Effect: You can fly at the rate you normally move until the end
of your turn. (So if you don't land or find someplace to hang
from, you'll fall.)
5th level spell You can now fly until the end of your next turn.
7th level spell You can now fly twice as fast as you
normally move on the ground. You also
gain a +5 bonus to disengage checks.
9th level spell The spell is now recharge 16+ after battle
instead of daily.
Breath Weapon: For the rest of the battle, roll a d20 at the start of
each of your turns; on a 16+, you can use dragon's leap this turn
if you wish.
Echoing Thunder
Ranged spell
Target: One nearby enemy
Attack: Charisma + Level (15) vs. PD
Hit: 3d6 + Charisma (14) thunder damage, and the first enemy that
hits you with a melee attack before the start of your next turn
takes 2d6 thunder damage. (An empowered spell does not
double this aftershock damage.)
Miss: Damage equal to your level (7).
5th level spell 5d6 damage 2d6 aftershock damage.
7th level spell 7d6 damage 3d6 aftershock damage.
9th level spell 9d6 damage 4d6 aftershock damage.
Breath Weapon
When you cast a spell with the breath weapon keyword, there’s a good chance you’ll be able to re-use it later in the battle. Each breath weapon spell lists the chance of re-using it during the same battle (usually 16+). Make the re-use roll at the start of each of your turns: success indicates that you can use that spell again that round as a standard action, if you wish. You don’t get to stockpile uses—whether you use the spell again or not, you must make the re-use roll during each round of the battle. After the battle, the breath weapon power is expended. You don’t get to keep rolling all day. You can have only one breath weapon spell active at a time. If you cast a different breath weapon spell when you have an earlier spell active, the new spell cancels the earlier spell. (See the Chromatic Destroyer Heritage talent for the path to multiple breath weapon spells.) Failing a death save cancels any breath weapon spells you have active.
When you attack with a chain spell and get a natural even roll, you can roll another attack against a different enemy within range. Keep on rolling attacks as long as you get even rolls and don’t run out of new targets (each enemy can be targeted only once).
Gather power
Once initiative has been rolled and a battle is underway, a sorcerer can spend a standard action to gather magical power, preparing themselves for casting a double-strength spell with their next standard action. Gathering power is loud and flashy, involving crackling lightning, rumbling thunder, and the flicker of magical light. Sorcerers who want to gather power before initiative has been rolled can go through the motions but won’t get any benefit for the act; you can fool yourself but you can’t fool magic. Gather power: When a sorcerer gathers power, it does not count as casting a spell; you can gather power without taking opportunity attacks, for example. In addition, because you spend your standard action to gather power, you generate a small magical benefit. Like many of your powers, this benefit is chaotic rather than perfectly reliable, so you must make a random check to see what benefit you get. Roll a d6 and consult the appropriate table below. If you get a benefit that deals damage to enemies, you can choose the type of damage (cold, fire, lightning, or thunder).

Chaotic Benefit, Champion Tier (levels 5-7)
1-2: You gain a +1 bonus to AC and Physical Defense until the start of your next turn.
3-4: Deal damage equal to your level (7) + your Charisma modifier (14) to all nearby staggered enemies.
5-6: Deal damage equal to your level (7) + your Charisma modifier (14) to one nearby enemy.
Dancing Lights
All sorcerers can cast the dancing lights spell as a standard action. Unlike the wizard’s light cantrip, the sorcerer’s dancing lights spell produces a number of varicolored light globes that bloom within 5 to 30 feet of the sorcerer every two to five seconds. The sorcerer has very little control over the exact location or illumination provided by the lights, meaning that they can occasionally be used for dramatic plot purposes.
Random Energy
Some sorcerer spells deal damage of a random type. If it matters mechanically, use a d4 to determine which type of damage the spell deals. If it doesn’t matter, because none of the targets have resistances or vulnerabilities to any particular energy, feel free to state the energy that seems right for the story, or roll it if you wish and the game can spare the time. Random Energy Type (d4)
1: Cold
2: Fire
3: Lightning
4: Thunder

Character description

Enzo Diamondborn

Background story

Unknown to Enzo he is the reincarnation of legendary sorcerer Garik Firebrand. He grew up traveling around with his parents, who were merchants. Enzo learned how to do the haggling, charming and dealing with customers from his father and mother. Very helpful because he needed to make new friends often. On the road, he read all the stories about the legendary heroes and he decided he wants to be just like them! So when finally he was adult at the age of 60 he struck out on his own. He quickly met and befriended Bazkar and Ghorza and slayed plenty of trolls together. When they arrived in the city to stock up, he heard Rhiannon tell the most amazing tales and he quickly got re-inspired to make a bigger dent in the fate of the kingdom! Rhiannon introduced him to Si'trova.

Some random ideas about Garrik Firebrand

  • He's a legendary sorcerer who achieved something extremely great (to be decided).
  • He had several companions among who were a dwarf named Harkk (famous for his magical hammer).
  • He was allied with a yellow-green dragon named Azyvax who breathed fire.
  • He was very charismatic (being a legendary sorcerer that's not very odd) and sometimes helped in negotiations between factions, but he was not known for being very politically correct.
  • There are rumours about him and the Elf Queen. Not sure if that's the same elf queen as there is now.
  • He wasn't a gnome, maybe a human/half-elf/elf?

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