10 - Don't mess with Bavlorna

From The Wild Beyond the Witchlight
Session 1Session 9Session 10Session 11Session 12

And what is Charm's story...

Played on 26-01-2025
Day 11
by Ashira

Crossing the next bridge, we spotted two houses and, curiously, a large cauldron simmering over some burning coals. Though unlikely to be Iggwilv’s, we decided to investigate. Maeve approached it and tried to lift the lid, only for the cauldron to sprout legs and walk away!

From the fire sprang a creature—some kind of fire imp. He offered a trade: dry wood for a password to open the cauldron. I handed over one of my torches to Zephyr, which he traded for the word: "Spittlespew". With this, the cauldron opened, revealing an unappetizing soup, thick and dark. Dhanell proposed to empty it into the lake. Before he succeeded with some help of the others, Brolin snatched a spoonful and ate it. "Ribbit," he croaked. Just… ribbit. It was a curious scene.

The Spyglass

Further along, we reached a lookout tower with two bullywugs. Brolin noticed a spyglass and tried to trade it for a useless cage he carried. Sensing their hesitation, I decided to help. I pretended the cage was far too valuable to part with. My bluff worked; they accepted the trade, handing over the spyglass!

The Hag's House

At last, we reached a jetty with two boats. We rowed to the center of the lake, where a ramshackle house perched high on stilts rose before us. A stone tower sprouted from the water beneath it to the floor of the house. Rickety stairs lead to a trapdoor. Frostbite led the climb, and soon we entered the house.

The room was a mess: A pool with stagnant water in the center with a large lily pad floating atop it. The surrounding floors were cluttered with junk and spoiled food. Frostbite peeked into a balcony which was filled with frogs and he quickly shut the door. Soon after, three lornlings emerged from the stairs. "Thieves!" Frostbite bellowed, charging after them like a madman. We chased after him in confusion.

The Hag

He led us to a room where two figures sat drinking tea: Bavlorna and a woman I recognized from my earlier vision in the river. Frostbite was furious, demanding the return of the thing he lost. Bavlorna’s price? A portrait of her sister. As I took in the scene, I noticed the other woman’s shadow—or rather, the lack of it. Curious... I asked her name. She introduced herself as Charm, and she belonged to the travelling shop we saw earlier. She seemed startled that I’d noticed her missing shadow and it looked like she didn’t want Bavlorna to know.

The conversation around Bavlorna turned tense. The others began walking counterclockwise around her as Frostbite adviced earlier, but when words failed, Frostbite struck her with his club. Chaos erupted. Zephyr followed with a lightning bolt, and Brolin landed a blow to her face. Realizing we were now committed to this disastrous course, I loosed an arrow. Bavlorna retaliated, grappling Frostbite with her tongue and downing Zephyr in one spell. A lornling struck me, and the world went black.

What happened?

When I awoke, Dhanell’s magic had brought me back. Somehow, they’d convinced Bavlorna to spare us in exchange for completing her tasks: retrieving her sister Skabatha’s portrait and unblocking her pool. Dhanell also managed to trade the book for Clapperclaw’s head—our key to reaching Tither. I saw that Zephyr was still unconscious so I fed him one of my berries. It worked! he woke up!

Still recovering, I watched as Brolin and Frostbite tackled the blockage in the pool. They eventually extracted the remains of a gelatinous cube, clearing the pool. Fresh water flowed in, and Bavlorna’s dry skin began to moisten when she entered the pool. She also explained that the portrait was in a round room in Loomlurch, Skabatha’s hollow tree home.

Wonderous Wares & Fair Fares

After leaving Bavlorna’s, we visited Charm’s shop called "Wonderous Wares & Fair Fares". They seemed hurried, packing up to leave. Suspicious. I noticed on a sign that they sold an alicorn and inquired about it. But they had already sold it—to someone in Tither, a young man named Will or Bill or Jill. Soon after the shop rose up and vanished into the air. There’s more to her story, I’m certain.

For now, our path is clear: Loomlurch awaits, and with it, the portrait we need to fulfill Bavlorna’s bargain. I only hope we can tread more carefully… next time.

Session 1Session 9Session 10Session 11Session 12

Updated on: 08:21