11 - Hither Tither
Session 1 | Session 10 | Session 11 | Session 12 | |
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Ashira Brolin Frostbite | Ashira Brolin Frostbite | Ashira Brolin Frostbite | Ashira Brolin Frostbite |
Balloon riding
While I'm sulking at Clapperclaw finally the others join up again. Dhanell hands over the deer skull to him and it's overjoyed, immediately replacing its gourd head and throwing it in the water, where it is retrieved by Zephyr as it had been promised to Ashira. Inside she finds a couple of copper coins which caused the rattling sound.
In exchange for the skull Clapperclaw will guide us to Tither but we'll need some kind of ride. The swamp gas balloon near the entrance of the village might do the job so we head over to see how far they've gotten with their repairs. as we get their it seems patched up enough to get us to Tither. We claim that we're on a mission for Bavlorna, which persuades the bullywugs to allow us to take it. We all climb in the basket after a short instruction how to control the balloon. Even though this is not a ship I feel somewhat at home and climb the ropes towards the top of the balloon and take up a lookout position and start scanning everywhere with my newly acquired spyglass. Clapperclaw is instructed to bring us close to Loomlurch.
We start rising into the air and eventually can see beyond the misty marsh. Large mountain ranges loom on the horizon. We fly across the brigands highway and eventually we spot a huge building in the distance. Clapperclaw explains that's Zybilnas palace. I keep notes on my map, as we might need to return there some day. I start to feel drowsy, apparently it's been a long day already. This constant dusk (or dawn) makes it really hard to tell the time. I wake Maeve so she can watch for dangers and get some shut-eye.
When I wake up after a a good "night" sleep, there's all of a sudden way more room in the basket. Frostbite is gone and there's a big dog instead. What the...? Another thing I notice is that the balloon is rapidly descending. One of the patches has come loose letting swamp gas escape. I quickly climb to the top of the balloon again so in case of a crash I'll have a softer landing. Clapperclaw luckily manages to pull of a decently soft landing in a clearing in the lush green forest beneath us. We're standing at the top of a hill. Nice pine smells surround us. What a nice change from the swamp! I somehow recognize this forest from the mirror image I saw at the carnival. I get the nagging feeling this could be the place where I can find my lost thing!
Zephyr notices some flickering light at the bottom of our hill and flutters over to it. The light is coming from a cave in the hillside. Across from it we see a wanted posted stapled to a tree: "Will of the Feywild, bring him to me and earn a willing servant!", signed: Granny Nightshade. From inside the cave we hear someone calling to come in. It turns out to be a blindfolded man working a spinning wheel, turning gold coins into thread. He's called Nib and explains he's been put here in a punishment for being a greedy bastard and now has to turn all his hard earned gold into stuff for free by spinning all the gold, not getting anything in return. He asks us what we'd like to have made.
Ashira asks for a bow and Zephyr would like a nice new hat which could hold all his belongings. Maeve is looing for a nice tiara with her goddess adorning it. Dhanell is looking for a matching set of rings and Frostbite is looking for a wood crafting toolset. I finally would like a spear to replace my broken quarterstaff. As he's creating all our gifts I see shadows lurking behind him shaped like children and men and women. Nib explains these are the shadows of his victims haunting him and sometimes whispering in his ear. Hence the blindfold as he doesn't want to see them.
When we ask him about the wanted poster he explains that Will of the Feywild has freed a bunch of children from the grasp of Skabatha and now live in Tither calling themselves the Getaway Gang. They live at a treant called Little Oak which can be found in a straight line from this cave. We head back to Clapperclaw and tell him he could get some replacement fabric for the balloon from Nib. Than we head of to Little Oak.
On our way there we encounter huge tracks which look similar to Frostbites paws but are much larger. Doing some math my conclusion is, that they might belong to a creature which is about twenty feet long. All of a sudden the tracks end as if the creature took of into the sky. I'm on my highest alert and occasionally climb a tree to scan the sky for this creature, even though the tracks were a few days old, I'd rather not run into it. All I see though is a small flying dot at the horizon, luckily not moving in our direction. We continue and encounter a fairy ring with shroom like creatures dancing in the circle. Their nasal singing and their dancing encourages Maeve and Zephyr to join in. I sit down next to the circle, wondering if eating a shroom will cause their kind of joy.
Time to go again and finally we reach a clearing and see a bunch of children playing there around a big tree with a tree house and swings hanging from its branches. I pull out the missing children posters and compare them to the kids I see. I recognize a dwarf named Bobi and a female orc Zennor. The third kid, a ginger elf Isn't among my posters.
Session 1 | Session 10 | Session 11 | Session 12 | |
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Ashira Brolin Frostbite | Ashira Brolin Frostbite | Ashira Brolin Frostbite | Ashira Brolin Frostbite |
Updated on: 02:14