10 - We finally meet

From The Wild Beyond the Witchlight
Session 1Session 9Session 10Session 11Session 12

Monarch no more

Played on 26-01-2025
Day 11
by Brolin

We continue clockwise along the walkways eventually encountering a large black kettle on the lakeshore. It's mounted on a stack of glowing coals and closed with a large lid. As we approach to investigate, wondering if this could be Iggwilv's it wanders of. From the coals a fire imp emerges, telling us the kettle can only be opened with a password. In exchange for some dry wood it's willing to tell it to us.

Ashira has a torch which she hands to Zephyr to learn the password "Spittlespew". And indeed the lid opens upon reciting the password. Zephyr inspects the contents, some syrupy grey-black liquid smelling like herbs. Using the ladle which hung from the kettle he tastes a bit. Meanwhile Maeve is talking to the imp who tells us it's the keeper of the coals and this kettle belongs to Bavlorna.

This has our group decide to topple it over, emptying the contents into the lake. But not before I take a big gulp, curious what it'll do. I let out a loud croak and all of a sudden have an urge to eat insects... I shake my head, clearing that urge and help out pushing the kettle over, spilling all the bubbly liquid on the ground and into the lake.

A bit further down the walkway we see two bullywug guards on top of a guard tower. I see a spyglass mounted there and wonder how that would do any good with all the mist. So I devise a plan to exchange something for it, as I think I can make good use of it during our adventures. I hop onto the tower to negotiate and they're willing to part from it in exchange for my miniature cage. But then they'd like to trade it back again, but after some haggling we come to another trade, where they receive my stack of Witchlight tickets for a happy thoughts scented bar of soap.

But now it's time to finally get to Bavlorna. We find a few rowboats and row to the center of the lake, following one of the four washing lines. We see a building arising from the mist, build on four wooden posts. A stairway leading up to a trapdoor in the floor leads up along the posts. A stone structure emerges from the lake and disappears in the floor as well. Ashira remembers all this from her vision, so we're in the right spot I presume. The building is quite high with several very dirty windows overlooking the lake. We climb the stairway and enter the building, ending up in a room with a pool with a mirror beside it. It seems the stone structure emerges here as some kind of fountain, but no water is flowing from it. Frostbite calls out for Bavlorna! No Bavlorna appears. Instead three lornlings descend the stairs, but when Frostbite calls out "Thiefs!" the head back up again quickly.

We charge after them and emerge in a room where we see Bavlorna together with a person clad a shadowy robes and a hat. Bavlorna asks Frostbite "What act of desperation brings you to my home?", while continuously scanning the room. Dhanell: "Bavlorna I presume?". "Yes indeed, be welcome!". Frostbite calls out he wants his thing back. "What would you like back than, honey?". She goes on about the rule of reciprocity which is cut of by Dhanell that rules shouldn't apply if she sole something in the first place. But she wants a portrait of her sister in return within eight days. The other person now introduces herself as Charm, one of the owners of the shop we saw perched in the village. We can get Clapperclaw's head in return for the book Dhanell has, but not for Frostbite lost thing. Meanwhile Maeve starts to walk counterclockwise around the room, giving a slight itch to Bavlorna.

Frostbite seems really done with the whole conversation and situation and charges in with his club raised. "You're abusing my hospitality!" Zephyr sparks her up with some kind of lightning erupting from his hands. I kick and hit her, but it is really clear that she, toegther with her helpers is way to strong. She even just devoured Frostbite in one big gulp. In a last ditch attempt to do something good in my role as the Witchlight Monarch, I activate my charm for one last time and plead and negotiate with Bavlorna to spare us. Luckilly with the help of Maeve we succeed and she throws up, leaving a gooey Frostbite on the floor. Bavlorna takes care of Zephyr and Ashira who are lying passed out on the floor. Somehow Charm ran of in the ruckus of the fight.

Time to negotiate. She tells us she wants to take a bath, but the fountain is malfunctioning. I fly down there and investigate. Something is clogging up the stone pipe, but with the help of my dagger and from Frostbite we make quick work of the dead gelatinous cube, which is blocking the water from streaming. Dhanell meanwhile trades the book he got for the deer skull which is Clapperclaw's head. Hopefully he'll be willing to guide us to Tither now. One we're done cleaning out the remains of the cube, the water starts flowing again, filling up the pool with fresh water. Bavlorna immediately enters the pool, soaking up fresh water, uncrackling her skin as her lornling lackies wash her. She wishes us good luck finding the portrait in Loomlurch the hollow tree home of one of her hag sisters.

Using my final few minutes as the monarch I fly around the house and eventually land at Clapperclaw waiting for the others. I complain to the talking heads about how this monarch thing got to my head and how it affected my friendship. Somehow I'm glad I'm done with it now. Meanwhile the others still had something else to do it seems. But not too much later they appear while I see the "Trinket, Bobble and charm" shop flying of into the distance.

Session 1Session 9Session 10Session 11Session 12

Updated on: 23:07