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>Galtar Thunderbeard
>Jouta Krillasdaughter
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>Sandcat RPG stuff >After the Departure >Characters >Jouta Krillasdaughter

Jouta Krillasdaughter
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Name:Jouta Krillasdaughter
Profession:None (believer)
Weight:58 kg
Starting team:Prisoners


Mission: Secure a small but stable piece of land for worship of the goddess.
Duty: Prevent damage to the environment.
Craving Cannot resist scrutinizing any interesting plant-life or garden.
 XP:1 (31 earned, 30 spent as of session 13)


Stupidly Forgiving

Jouta is foolishly forgiving. Instead of polishing off a helpless foe, she is much more likely to give him a lecture and let him go.

Stats and Skills

Body1 Sense4 Charm3 Coordination2 Command3 Knowledge1
Perform: Sing
Language: Common
Language: Smokt
Student: Herbology

Wounds and Armor


Esoteric Discipline

Troubadour's Fortune

Words Fail, My Beloved (1 Point)
If you’re trying to use your Skill to cajole someone into a romantic entanglement with you, you can either (1) get rid of all Difficulties to your roll or (2) add an extra die to your pool.

The Taste of My Tears (2 Points)
You can use your Skill to influence the emotions of your audience. Pick a sensation you want and then make your roll: If it succeeds, you’ve shifted their mood in the direction you desire. This may not make someone despair on her joyous wedding day, but it can add a worrying undercurrent to her festivities. Similarly, it won’t make someone at a loved one’s funeral feel chipper and bright, but it may relieve their misery somewhat.
The truly interesting element of this discipline is that it’s untraceable. It operates on an unwitting level, so those affected have no real explanation for their mood. While this necessarily keeps it from being attached too closely to issues or to any subject of thought, the ability to make an invading officer corps feel uneasy and depressed simply by cooking them ‘suicide soup’ is often a useful one.

Romantic Outlaw Charm (3 Points)
You can roll the Skill you perform with instead of Graces. It’s not so much that you know the proper thing to do and do it. Rather, you apply your charisma and outré-ness so stylishly that no one considers it rude.

The Barbarian Has No Clothes (4 Points)
Even if you fail at your roll, you do so with such blithe confidence and aplomb that people generally behave as if you succeeded.Your apparent failure is interpreted as a clever mockery of failure, or it’s considered an integral part of a higher message, or... or anything, really, that puts a good face on it. Perhaps most commonly, the audience member blames himself for not being sophisticated enough to understand: He assumes, not that you performed a lousy dance, but that his tastes are too crude to appreciate you.
This doesn’t mean that you totally escape the results of failure.You won’t get any overt reward for your wretched performance. But it certainly mitigates your disgrace.


The Way Of The Wood

The Oak Endures
Intensity: 3
Casting Time: Combative
Duration: Width in hours
Attunement: Yes
Effect: You can add a Master Die to the Endurance Skill of yourself or one other person. You need to be holding a piece of wood to cast this spell.

Might Of The Ancient Trunk
Intensity: 3
Casting Time: Combative
Duration: Height in minutes
Attunement: Yes
Effect: While the spell is in effect, you have AR 4 against all blunt impact attacks. It won’t help against cutting weapons (axes, swords) or piercing ones (spears, arrows) but you’re heavily protected against rocks, fists, and clubs. You’re also protected from the ground if you fall off a roof. Area Attacks from these sources are reduced by 4.
Casting this spell requires a piece of wood from a tree’s trunk – the branch won’t do. The piece has to be at least the size of the palm of your hand, and is destroyed when the spell is cast.

Creeper Climb
Intensity: 2
Casting Time: Combative
Duration: Width in hours
Attunement: No
Effect: While the spell is in effect, you add a Master Die to your Climb Skill. You can only cast this spell on yourself. It requires a piece of vine or creeper, which is used up when the spell goes off.

The Root's Questing Strength
Intensity: 2
Casting Time: Combative
Duration: Width in minutes.
Attunement: No
Effect: This spell raises your Body by 1 while it’s in effect, to a maximum of 7. (Multiple castings have no effect past the first increase.) To cast this, you need to be holding the roots of a plant. The spell consumes the root. While this spell is in effect, you cannot gain other magical enhancements to Body.

Immobile Roots
First Year Of Our Reign, p116
Intensity: 4
Casting Time: Combative
Duration: Width in combat rounds, or until the caster moves
Attunement: Yes
Effect: This spell targets one person within a hundred feet of the caster. When the spell takes effect, the target is paralyzed. He remains locked, immobile, until the spell wears off or until the caster moves. Note that the caster must remain completely still - even the normal, automatic avoidance of blows breaks the spell.

Supple As A Vine
Intensity: 4
Casting Time: Combative
Duration: Width in minutes
Attunement: Yes
Effect: This spell targets 2 to 10 creatures within 100 feet. Those creatures gain the suppleness of a vine, enabling them to twist and turn their limbs in strange positions - in game terms, they gain a +1d to their Dodge Skill.

Willow Weariness
First Year Of Our Reign, p116
Intensity: 4
Casting Time: Combative
Duration: Width in minutes
Attunement: Yes
Effect: This spell only affects “the weak of spirit” – meaning, Unworthy Opponents. The good news is, it targets 10-20 of them within a hundred feet of one another. They can only be targeted when they are not immediately fighting or doing anything active. It can’t be used on them while they’re riding horses or operating a sailboat. But if they’re lounging around a bar or performing guard duty or standing at parade rest, they’re fair game.
When the spell takes effect, the targets fall into a tranquil, dreamless slumber. They instantly wake up if they’re struck or if the caster moves. (As with Statue Gripped, the caster must be completely motionless.) Furthermore, if any of the targets are harmed while wrapped in Weariness, the caster takes the same amount of damage to the same hit location.

Weather Wisdom
First Year Of Our Reign, p91
Intensity: 1
Casting Time: Five minutes
Duration: Instant
Attunement: No
Effect: The caster runs water over his elbow or knee and, looking at it, understands what the next day’s weather is likely to be. Note that this predicts the weather’s natural course only. If a sorcerer decides to call up a snowstorm or still the winds, Weather Wisdom isn’t going to forecast that.

Oaken Seal
First Year Of Our Reign, p114
Intensity: 1
Casting Time: Four minutes
Duration: Width days
Attunement: No
Effect: This spell requires a piece of oak. Upon completing the spell, you tap the piece of oak against a closed door or gate or window. Until the enchantment wears off, that portal won’t open except to the caster or to someone holding the piece of oak. The door can still be forced, but it endures abuse as if the piece of oak was sealing it at the door’s weakest point. Thus, if cast on the flap of a tent, the flap’s second weakest point would give before the oak-sealed part. A wooden door thus enchanted would behave as if it was barred with the piece of oak. Obviously, a bigger piece seals better and is stronger, but is more of a problem to hide or carry around.

Hardwooden Cable
First Year Of Our Reign, p114
Intensity: 2
Casting Time: Four minutes
Duration: Height in hours
Attunement: No
Effect: When this spell is cast on rope or thread or string, it becomes as inflexible and strong as a piece of hardwood the exact same shape and thickness. The spell can only affect a single unbroken cable or strand, but that strand can be up to a hundred feet long.

First Year Of Our Reign, p114
Intensity: 2
Casting Time: Four minutes
Duration: Width in days, or until activated
Attunement: Yes
Effect: This rather peculiar spell enchants a single piece of wood, which can be as small as a pebble or as large as a boulder. Once the spell succeeds, it does not begin until the caster can no longer sense the piece – she walks away from it or drops it as she rides off. The next time any person passes within a bowshot of the wood, the caster knows it. The spell doesn’t provide any detail – it doesn’t tell how many people or how close or what they looked like – but the caster knows the first time someone gets near the watchwood.


Spells: 2 at Intensity 1 (1 points) (bought with XP)
Spells: 2 at Intensity 2 (2 points) (bought with XP)
Spells: 2 at Intensity 4 (4 points) (bought with XP)
Spells: 2 at Intensity 4 (4 points) (bought with XP)
Spells: 2 at Intensity 3 (3 points)
Spells: 2 at Intensity 2 (2 points)
Flawless Herbal Attunement (5 point Advantage)
Outwardly, there’s little sign of this attunement, except that your eyes turn bright green. Inwardly, the changes are greater. You’re resistant to poison. Specifically, no poison ever takes its major effect. (See page 296-297 for the major and minor effects of various poisons.) You become immune to many diseases, but anyone who tries to use the Healing Skill on you has to overcome Difficulty 4. However, you no longer need to eat, as you can refresh and restore yourself with sunlight. When cut, you bleed sap.



Mother was famous high priestess of Hareke in Griffinvale. Died two years ago by the hands of a filthy grayskin.

XP spent

54Two new spells (Immobile Roots, Supple as a Vine) at intensity 4
1310Improve stat Sense from 3 to 4
134Improve skill Healing to 4
132Improve skill Hearing to 2
132Improve skill Language: Smokt to 2
134Improve skill Dodge to 4
131Improve skill Fight to 1
132Improve skill Fight to 2
344Two new spells (Willow Weariness, Petty Defenders)
341Two new spells (Weather Wisdom, Oaken Seal)
342Two new spells (Wooden Cable, Watchwood)
347Two new levels in Esoteric Discipline
3410Raise coordination to 2

Char costs:

Stats: 30 (0 + 10 + 10 + 0 + 10 + 0)
Skills: 42 (6 + 14 + 5 + 3 + 6 + 8)
ED: 3 (1 + 2)
Adv.: 10 (3 + 2 + 5)
Total: 85

DM Concept

Eén van de twee personages waarbij magie nog wel werkt, en bij hem is het “divine magic” al maakt Reign daar geen verschil in qua regels. Geboren in gevangenschap. Z’n moeder, een priesteres, was zwanger van hem toen de Departure plaatsvond. De vader heeft gevochten om de stad te beschermen maar is hierin gestorven. Heeft van z’n moeder verhalen gehoord over hoe het was voor de Departure en hoe het was om contact te hebben met de godin. Z’n moeder is het verlies van z’n vader nooit echt te boven gekomen maar verloor nooit het echte geloof in de godin -- zelfs al leek de godin volledig weg te zijn. Uiteindelijk is ze gestorven aan ondervoeding en mishandeling door een grayskin guard, maar niet voordat ze haar geloof aan haar zoon had overgedragen. Waarschijnlijk was het het overlijden van zijn moeder dat hem over de streep trok. Die avond droomde hij en de volgende ochtend werd hij wakker met de zekerheid dat je zelfs zonder goden kan geloven.
Stats: hoge Command, behoorlijk wat Charm/Sense, lagere Knowledge. Deze priester doet alles vanuit gevoel en oprecht medeleven. Is hij naief? Misschien.
Skills: Niet al te goed in een gevecht maar ook geen watje (je kan in deze wereld niet zo lang leven zonder wat survival skills). Kan behoorlijk wat leren van de Sage als hij niet zo gepassioneerd en snel afgeleid was. Hoge Empathy, Fascinate, Inspire, Healing en wat voor Skill er ook bij je magical school past.
Advantages/Problems: Stupidly Forgiving
Team: Gevangene.

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