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Session 13 (Lilsy)

Played on March 18, 2007
Good tree, bad tree

Late at night, I sneak out of the window of our room in the inn. I check out the clanfather's house if I might go in and collect our reward. At the moment I'm about to climb up the back wall, I get a severe attack of conscience and decide not to break in as it is Surtur and Thror's clan father. Not that I think Surtur would mind. As I climb back into the window of our room, Surtur asks "Where did you come from?" "Oh, I've been in the bar drinking." Surtur does not seem very convinced but doesn't ask any other questions so I go to sleep.

The next day we start our journey to Tinker Crag with B'redaru's cart and Surtur's magically reappearing, color-changing horses! The trip is quite uneventful and I help out B'redaru with his tinkering and give Surtur some distraction from his studies. After what seems a hundred days, we arrive in Flann's Crossing again! Thror heads off to the magistrate to ask for new news. Apparently some culprits have been arrested for the abduction of the Archpriestess of Olidimmara so there is no need to go to Wyrmkeep. Surtur grabs the opportunity to start a discussion about spells. Apparently he can also summon flaming horses of doom! (Apart from the fact that they aren't really flaming or doomy.) Ofcourse, that is so cool that we all immediately want one. According to Surtur they can go a lot faster than our old plain non-purple horses. Only, they are not capable of pulling a cart. Ah, who needs a cart anyway? Well, B'redaru thinks the tinkers in the village need a cart and goes off to sell it to them. Urdos objects, though, because Woya can't keep up with the turbo-charged horses of awesomeness. After a good conversation with Woya, they decide that Woya will move on ahead of the group to Tinker Crag and that we will meet up there. Yay! Let's go!

Ok, guess what? Ofcourse there is some delay on the tardy horses of shadowy whisps. I thought they were faster! Apparently, Surtur can't summon them until tomorrow and he can only summon four. That means that I will ride with B'redaru. Yay! B'redaru gets that weird look in his eyes and goes off to make some handles on his armor. As all the other people are busy, I go off to meet up with my favority watch person, Frolm! In a conversation in which I manage to say "Frolm!" every other sentence, I promise to practice my fighting skils agains the Flann's Crossing watch. A great way to spend my afternoon!

The next morning we all gather for breakfast in the inn. Thror is waving his arms around as if he is trying to cast his breakfast with a very weird spell. He'll try to imitate Surtur next! Quietly, I move his cutlery a little further away. To prevent anyone getting hurt, I call to the innkeeper if Thror can have some breakfast and he quickly takes some to the table. After our breakfast, Surtur summons our horses! They look so awesome! Like they are made out smoke and shadow! Wow! Urdos isn't as thrilled though and mutters something about "abominations to nature." B'redaru doesn't really understand how to get onto his horse and asks the tinkers to use their crane to hoist him on top of the horse. We are all very interested how he is planning to get off his horse tonight.

We travel very fast with the horses, I climb on top of, over, in front of, behind, besides B'redaru during the ride to see the country side very well. The wind soars past! Weeeeeeeee! As the horse starts to fade I climb on top of B'redaru's shoulder and he casts some spell on himself. As the horse goes away, B'redaru keeps sitting in the air! I jump off his shoulders and he slowly walks to the ground. Muttering somethinga about getting on his horse the next morning, B'redaru moves into the forest and tries to construct a crane from a tree.

"B'redaru, watch out!", Urdos yells. "Huh?" says B'redaru. "The tree moves strangely against the wind!" The tree turns about to be a treant who talks reeeeaaaaalllllyyyyy sllllooooooowwwwwwlllllyyyyy. B'redaru and Urdos apologise for making a crane out of him, alhtough Urdos didn't really make a crane. How cool! A talking tree, called Lin! I spend all night talking to Lin in the Treant language (rrrrrreeeeeaaallllyyyy ssssllllooowwwwwllllyyyy) until I feel asleep against his trunk.

The next morning we say Goooooooooooodddddddbbbbbyyyyyyeeeee to Lin and proceed on our rocking steeds of shadow! The day proceeds much like the last except for the fact that we are going through a forest the whole time. Somewhere in the afternoon, we happen upon a bunch of undergrowth growing over the path. It smells like the Orc stockroom here as well! Urdos thinks there is something wrong with the forest here while Surtur, B'redaru and Thror have a discussion about spells again. Surtur thinks the problem can be solved with a fireball, but then again, he thinks any problem can be solved with a fireball. Urdos and I decide not to wait for the bookworms to think of a spell and head into the forest to check it out.

There, a monstrous shambling mound of rotting leaves comes to life! It attacks Urdos but he manages to wriggle free. I yell out to warn the others! In a hard fight which consisted of Urdos firing heaps of arrows into the mounds and Surtur creating ice storms on the spot, they best the shambling mounds. The road clears somewhat and we can continue. At dusk, we reach a dwarven outpost where we find sleep for the night in a tower. The people don't seem too friendly here.

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