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>Sandcat RPG stuff >Three Pillars >Session logs >Session 18 (Lilsy)

Session 18 (Lilsy)

Played on April 22, 2007

From Flann's Crossing we move to the next village. There we celebrate low pelor and high pelor which is loads of fun. I meet the female magic trader we met in Flann's Crossing again and she tells us that the shortest route to Jauhare is through the jungle. After High Pelor we start our route through the jungle. All plants and animals look very special and we have to wade through the water several times. After one of those times, we encounter to huge crablike beasts who almost eat Urdos, but we manage to slay them, luckily. From there, it is just a short distance to the village across the lake from Jauhare. We arrive there and the guards seem on edge. They explain that the crab beasts usually have a lot of loot in their lair. So, we have to go back quickly! Folwick said we could best wait until morning. I agree. We go to the inn and have a beer. After some time there is a huge ruckus and someone rushes into the common room. He says we are under attack. We run out and see a huge whirling mechanical thing as big as a house. Die, you tomato!

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