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Session 7 (Rhiannon)

"Escape", welcome gig and family visit

Played on October 27th, 2013

Swordsday, 21st of Palesun, Year of the Tunneler

The fight with Nolan's flunkies didn't last long. With some decisive strike Ghorza and Bazkar showed them that we were determined and wouldn't return without a fight. The troops then retreated, but warned us that the last word hadn't been said about this. (Not the most imposing parting words, but better than some clichés I know.) I was impressed by the fact that these people, who I had barely known for barely a week, were ready to take up arms for Si'trova and me, and my plans.

30th of Palesun, Year of the Tunneler

After the fight we travelled undisturbed for nine days. We arrived in Glitterhaegen, where I performed to get into the innkeeper's good graces and learn more about the current events in Axis. It seemed Lord Stern's daughter Llessa, a red-headed waif with spunk, was still gearing up to be Loric's betrothed. I guess I wish them luck, although I was unsure about the effects this would have on the regional politics. Loric would have a hard time not to be domineered by his fianciée if I could believe the tales of their respective temperaments. The locals were salivating at the potential possibillities their marriage would open up.

I also sold the armour (what better place to sell good gold craftsmanship than Glitterhaegen) and distributed it together with the Nolans' money to the group. They'd deserved it and it seemed we would travel together for a while yet. I could afford it easily, but could not afford to alienate them. Strangely, Bazkar did not want his share, so I kept it for "safekeeping". It had something to do with his vows as a trollslayer, but I can't say I fully grasped the particulars.

Thunderday, 4th of Highsun, Year of the Tunneler

After five more days we finally reached Axis. It had been a while since I'd been there, but it felt really good as the innkeeper in The Lyrical Fish welcomed me as a long-lost friend. I was quickly asked to perform, and I was only happy to do so. I'd been working on an adaptation of The Emperor's Daughter, inspired by the book that caused this trip, and was eager to try it out.

As we arrived late in the afternoon, it was too late to visit Lilliane, so we made some plans for the next day. I'd neglected to talk about my relationship with Lilliane, and tried to avoid it but it was hard. We also tried to coax out some more hints from the book, but it wouldn't do so.

That evening, the crowd came from far beyond the neighborhood's borders as word of my presence had been spread by the innkeeper's helpers. I opened up with some classics and then went with some new stuff. I casually dropped a new limerick in between a farce and a pastoral lay, based on our recent adventures:

An emperor's daughter in Axis
Had a story that kind of perplexed us
We obtained a weird book
Which to her we prompt took
Because we were afraid it might hex us. (*)

The crowd did not know the references, but ate it up nonetheless.

At the end, I launched into the two verses of Azyvax & Garrick, which caused a peculiar reaction in the book The Emperor's Daughter: it actually fell flat on its side. With a satisfied grin, I then started the finale: my newly-minted adaptation of The Emperor's Daughter.

Of course, I played with a hometown advantage as the audience had been lapping up any reference to Axis and the Emperor's family the entire time, but the song's reception went far beyond my expectations. I ended up having to sing it about six more times that night. With the success going to my head, I forgot about the book and enjoyed the evening, the attention and more than a little wine.

Fireday, 5th of Highsun, Year of the Tunneler

The next day I woke with a headache. Drearily I lifted my head, only to find the book next to me, opened. I scanned the pages out of habit, but I was jolted upright when I noticed that two verses in a new hand had been added between the existing narrative. The first verse was the second known stanza of Azyvax & Garrick, but it was followed by an entirely new verse! I guess the book had liked my performance the day before.

Azyvax & Garrick

They called him the hero of the elves
A dragon by the name of Azyvax by his side
He went by the name of Garrick Firebrand
Feared by evil throughout the land

And so it was sung and told
the story on the scrolls, in languages assorted
The scrolls in the chests, the chests in the vault
Protected from the evil doing the harm

After a late breakfast we went to Lilliane's mansion in the Marble Quarter. I wore my best clothes and had tried to clean up my companions, but that had not had the desired results. Well, a washed, non-stinking Bazkar was still better than one who hadn't bathed in two weeks?

At Lilliane's we were warmly welcomed by Jaaldris, her companion. I didn't care much for him, suspecting him to be a fop, but he was friendly and didn't bat an eye at the rest of the group. While walking to the drawing room, Vharguk asked me how I knew Lilliane and I had to admit that we were family., which obviously surprised him.

It seemed we had interrupted Lilliane in her studies because when came through the door she did so in a smudged dress wearing something like a many-pocketed apron. She didn't seem to mind though, as she amiably greeted my new-found friends, addressing them by name even though I hadn't introduced them yet. Then she even began talking to Brugo. Trust my sister to casually charm everybody. If not for my relief seeing her, I would've been vexed although I could not in good conscience begrudge her a nice show. Not after my performance the night before, to which she even gracefully alluded. Nope, I was charmed as well.

(*) Limerick by Marcel.
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