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>Session 5 (Manon-Thérèse)
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>Session 10 (Jayden)
>Session 11 (Manon-Thérèse)
>Session 13 (Manon-Thérèse)
>Session 16 (Manon-Thérèse)
>Session 20 (Jasmijn)
>Session 22 (Manon-Thérèse)
>Session 37 (Manon-Thérèse)
>Session 38 (Manon-Thérèse)
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>Sandcat RPG stuff >Far Travellers >Session reports >Session 13 (Manon-Thérèse)

Session 13 (Manon-Thérèse)

Played on 16 January, 2011

close-up of Manon-Thérèse As recorded by our reporter, Manon-Thérèse Renard.

Travelling Intermezzo

Monday 13 November 2378

This morning, the Ulvestads were trying to get Rusty's, err, Lars' chip working. Would be pretty amazing if they could pull it off, what with them being used to electronics hundreds of years older. Myself, I'm feeling a bit weird with yet more electronics in my head. The chip seems to be working though.
In the meanwhile, Jasmin and I went to Globapec to try and arrange transport to Xiao Cheng. Getting through the door was somewhat of a challenge at first, as we were not used to the chip and all its functions yet. Apparently, you can just order a door to open? I was reminded of bad "scifi" movies. "I can kill you with my mind." Or, well, "I can open doors with my mind."

Inside we were greeted by Mrs. Fang Gua, a manager. Even though we couldn't get to meet the guys we met in the pub the evening before yesterday, she was very helpful. We got several options for transportation: hiring our own car or truck or taking the bus or boat to Ti Pao, a small town partway along the route. We headed back towards the rest and reported our findings. In the end it was decided to take the boat.

Tuesday 14 November 2378

So, oui, the next day we departed for Ti Pao, by boat. We'd have to pay 30 GC, but Jasmin also made some kind of deal with the captain. I guessed she'd get some of her money back by flirting outrageously with him. Not sure how I felt about that. I hoped all would go well as the captain would need to point us to some form of transportation out of Ti Pao.
The next few days glided by in a hazey post-adrenaline lull. Jasmin made the capain fall crazy in love with her, ready to leave his wife. Morisson tried to gamble with people who didn't know how (a winning proposition, to be sure). The "brothers" Ulvestad dramatically improved the engine, even making it cleaner to the approval of our politician. I tried to get some information on our destination and learned some basic first aid skills from Jasmin. The riverfolk was supposed to be a bit primitive and in poor health. I wasn't sure how reliable the intel was, though.

Saturday 18 November 2378

On Saturday we reached Ti Pao, a small town (cinq mille résidents). For some reason, the captain was glad to have us leave and departed without pointing us towards his contact. Fortunately we found some merchant on a "hovertruck" to bring us to Xiao Cheng. While we waited for him to departed, I checked on the locals' health. I was no medical expert yet (nor did I expect to become one, Jasmin is no doctor after all), but these people didn't look too good. This was confirmed when I got a listing of recent health problems. This didn't look so good.

Monday 20 November 2378

One-and-a-half days later we finally arrived in Xiao Cheng. Impatient to get something done we immediately went towards the mayor. "Lars" almost knocked down his hovel so we were off to a great start. The mayor turned out to be a petty bureacrat and wasn't helpful at all. We didn't have an appointment with him or the plant's manager, he wasn't informed, so, well, he couldn't do anything. I guess this sort of rules-lawyering is of all ages, but somehow I was very disappointed.
I got his attention by filming in a very obvious way and then tried to reason with him. He became a lot more receptive when I told him our "other" mission was to check on the health of his subjects. (Of course, the men had forgotten about that.) Not sure if that was genuine care or that the mayor was making a show for the townsfolk who by now had gathered around us, but it got the job done. We were to be taken to Xing Fu Peng, the plant's manager, by one Ling Feng -- not sure yet what his place in this was.

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