31 | Day 42 | Where am I? - Wait? With the stars?
| Octavia | 06-10-2024 |
30 | Day 41-42 | Where is my Cage? - I want to find it!
| Octavia | 22-09-2024 |
29 | Day 41 | Eden! - But where is the paradise?
| Octavia | 15-09-2024 |
28 | Day 40-41 | Did we just get a Baby? - And how do we keep it alive?
| Octavia | 08-09-2024 |
27 | Day 36-40 | Let's go to Eden - And find out how where we came from!
| Octavia | 01-09-2024 |
26 | Day 32-36 | First Aid Manual - And we saw a younger Elder!
| Octavia | 25-08-2024 |
25 | Day 31-32 | This boat is awesome - I can keep it right?
| Bolt | 11-08-2024 |
Eden is Command Centre Delta? - And we met Collin!
| Octavia |
24 | Day 31 | This place is pretty impressive - First another tower
| Bolt | 04-08-2024 |
Day 31 - Noatun has three problems and Xerxes isn't one of them
| Lincoln |
There is a Library - But on Xerxes' platform
| Octavia |
23 | Day 30-31 | A pretty unbelievable story - ..right?
| Bolt | 03-07-2024 |
So much water - And a big Kaboom!
| Octavia |
22 | Day 28-30 | They all look the same - and they have a pretty unbelievable story
| Bolt | 30-06-2024 |
Day 28-30 - We've got a lot of tech catch up to do
| Lincoln |
Harper is gone! - And the Farzads are visiting us
| Octavia |
21 | Day 27-28 | Putting people in cages to fight - I'm not sure this is a good change
| Bolt | 23-06-2024 |
Day 27-28 - Did I just recover Wyatt and have Harper move away?
| Lincoln |
Conner was behind it - And now he is dead
| Octavia |
20 | Day 24-27 | People from the Tower are here - so much destruction
| Bolt | 16-06-2024 |
Day 24-27 - One to guide them, one to feed them, one to protect them - one to bind them all together?
| Lincoln |
We Won! - So why does it feel bad...
| Octavia |
19 | Day 17-24 | It Moves! - though it likes going left more than right
| Bolt | 09-06-2024 |
The Elder is dead - And the Tower is going to attack us
| Octavia |
18 | Day 16-17 | The Cleansing - No scrubbing for me!
| Bolt | 02-06-2024 |
Silas and his lies... - Keep ruining the Ark
| Octavia |
17 | Day 16 | I feel different - should others feel different too?
| Bolt | 26-05-2024 |
Day 15-16 - Stabilizing the Ark
| Lincoln |
We brought the Pure Ones back - For Piglets and White Powder!
| Octavia |
16 | Day 15-16 | Repair on my dream has begun - and they take me away again
| Bolt | 19-05-2024 |
Back to the Pure Plant - Let's take the bus!
| Octavia |
15 | Day 14-15 | I had to leave the bus! - though I have some other things to play with..
| Bolt | 05-05-2024 |
Day 14 - Smoke and mirrors
| Lincoln |
The Elder is Dying - And his name is Doctor Sebedius?
| Octavia |
14 | Day 14 | It's Mine! - ..and having to leave it behind..
| Bolt | 21-04-2024 |
Day 14 - We escaped with the Pure-Ones
| Lincoln |
We escaped! - And now quickly back to the Ark!
| Octavia |
13 | Day 14 | This thing is better than I hoped for - ..and it has a gun
| Bolt | 14-04-2024 |
Day 13-14 - Pure ones are we there yet?!
| Lincoln |
Let's free the Pure-Ones! - Or die trying?
| Octavia |
12 | Day 13 | This bastard has some fancy stuff - ..and I can't touch it!
| Bolt | 08-04-2024 |
Day 13-14 - Freeing Pure-ones - Part III
| Lincoln |
The Chairman - Only cares about himself
| Octavia |
11 | Day 13 | It Moves - ..they've got one running..
| Bolt | 31-03-2024 |
Another Ark? - With a chairman that can make children!
| Octavia |
10 | Day 12-13 | A Big Tower - ..and more people..
| Bolt | 24-03-2024 |
Day 12-13 - Freeing Pure-ones - Part I
| Lincoln |
Sleepy Flowers - And a huge tower
| Octavia |
9 | Day 10-12 | Bringing water home - We need a proper place for our raft
| Bolt | 17-03-2024 |
Day 10-12 - Trade route and Croplands
| Lincoln |
We got water! - And Yelena!!
| Octavia |
8 | Day 8-10 | More wheeled vehicles - ..let's take some wheels..
| Bolt | 03-03-2024 |
Day 8-10 - The bus is coming
| Lincoln |
A Strange Woman - Is she from Eden?
| Octavia |
7 | Day 7-8 | Two Wheeled Metal Thing - ..and it might help us move..
| Bolt | 25-02-2024 |
Day 7-8 - Munchtree
| Lincoln |
The Tree - Which almost ate Rianna!
| Octavia |
6 | Day 4-7 | River! I challenge you! - ..who's afraid of water..
| Bolt | 18-02-2024 |
Day 4-7 - Work at the Ark
| Lincoln |
The Raft - We will all drown!
| Octavia |
5 | Day 3-4 | The Journey Ends - ..for now..
| Bolt | 11-02-2024 |
Back Home - But without any water
| Octavia |
4 | Day 3 | The Machine Explained - ..and the return of Lincoln's crew
| Bolt | 04-02-2024 |
Day 3 - The rest of my gang
| Lincoln |
Ruby - She is Alive! (and we also found Ava and Finley)
| Octavia |
3 | Day 2-3 | The Machine - It goes kachunk kachunk
| Bolt | 28-01-2024 |
Day 2-3 - First gang member found †
| Lincoln |
The Nest - The bird that ate Felix
| Octavia |
2 | Day 2 | Onwards to water! - Who knows what we will find
| Bolt | 21-01-2024 |
Day 1-2 - First signs of my gang
| Lincoln |
The Pure Plant? - Where did the dog go?
| Octavia |
1 | Day 1 | Adventure Time - We are going to find awesome stuff!
| Bolt | 14-01-2024 |
The Cross - And the half-naked Ancient
| Octavia |
0 | Day 0 | Prologue - My Dear Notebook
| Octavia | 07-01-2024 |