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>Sandcat RPG stuff >After the Departure >Session reports >Session 37 (Jouta)

Session 37 (Jouta)

Planning for Pelycor

Played on November 18th, 2012

August 22, 21 Years After the Departure (Atd)

During the last two days of our visit there Soniah was questioning a lot of elves about their view on the use of magic, and whether it was possible to use magic without the goddess. Lots of elves were confused; as they held the belief in the singular goddess, they found it hard to combine the softer core values of Hareke with Soniah’s apparent hard fire based magic. Even when Soniah pointed out that fire did occur as a natural phenomenon, this was a hard pill to swallow, and so she emerged not much wiser. It seemed that a trip to the famous elvish library would be made in the future.

Meanwhile, Tharen, Taithir and me busied ourselves cleaning up an old shrine (an Arnsach in elvish) to Hareke; it was overgrown and neglected. While doing so we did attract a lot of attention, but I was too absorbed by the feeling of this forest to really try and convert some of the elves in joining us. I did notice that most of the elves fascinated by our progress looked pretty young; there even was a mother and son who visited a few times a day.

On the morning of the 22nd of August, Zalyna visited us and announced that they were ready to move out. And so we returned to Northmeadow. Luckily for me, Boulder planned to take the same route back, and I would see the waterfall again.

While traveling we sure did not see how many elves had joined us. Aside from the occasional rustle, and Zalyna checking in on our progress we did not see much. That is, until we came to the site of the waterfall; there even our unseen companions showed themselves and witnessed the profound serenity of the place. The moment we had to leave again, most of the elves again disappeared from sight. Their ability to hide was uncanny, rivaled only by Tharen.

That did change however once we arrived at the edge of the forest. Immediately we were surrounded by the group of Elves who did not appear to have heard of any marching order or direction. Soniah discussed this with Zalyna, who thought it strange that we would think of a frontal assault on a city; she much preferred doing quick stabs on the enemy. I could tell that Soniah did not like this fact at all.

The moment we arrived at Northmeadow we were greeted by some bad news. Apparently the greyskins in Griffinvale were sufficiently annoyed at our regular raids on their supplies from our base in Sowend forest, that they had begun to strike back. Our forces there did not manage to keep control of the highways.

This news sent Boulder in an outrage. He slammed the door on his war room and spent the next hour cursing so loud that we all heard it through the wooden door. That did seem to do the trick though, as next he invited us in to discuss our next plans.

Vaal had received reports of the scouts sent to investigate Pelycor; they told us that the city had four gates. It was surrounded by a wall of earth with a palisade on top, and lots of spikes extruding such that it would be impossible to scale the walls from the outside. The scouts had not seen much greyskin activity, other than the regular supply wagons entering and leaving the city.

After a lengthy discussion during which multiple paths of attack were considered, including setting fire to the wall, or entering from the south entrance, we settled on a frontal assault on Pelycor while the Elves busied themselves with harassing Caranthor. We hoped that the greyskins would sent most of their army from Pelycor to Caranthor as long as the Elves started the harass before our army was visible.

That elicited a comment from Zalyna who was not that amused at having to travel all the way to Northmeadow before having to travel back again, but she did see the value in planning the attack this way.

The elves quickly said their goodbyes and were off; we would have to move our armies in position before we started to move, so Boulder made sure that the bulk of our army was on the move and would be ready to go in a week.

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