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Sandcat RPG

>Session 0 (GMs)
>Session 1 (Eowan)
>Session 1 (Tyrr)
>Session 1 and 2 (Lilsy)
>Session 2 (Tyrr)
>Session 3 (Lilsy)
>Session 3 (Tyrr)
>Session 4 (Lilsy)
>Session 4 (Tyrr)
>Session 5 (Eowan)
>Session 5 (Lilsy)
>Session 5 (Tyrr)
>Session 6 (Lilsy)
>Session 6 (Tyrr)
>Session 7 (Tyrr)
>Session 8 (Equilibria)
>Session 8 (Lilsy)
>Session 8 (Tyrr)
>Session 9 (Lilsy)
>Session 9 (Tyrr)
>Session 10 (Eowan)
>Session 10 (Lilsy)
>Session 10 (Tyrr)
>Session 11 (Tyrr)
>Session 11 (Ziruna)
>Session 12 (Tyrr)
>Session 13 (Tyrr)
>Session 14 (Tyrr)
>Session 15 (Tyrr)
>Session 16 (Equilibria)
>Session 17 (Tyrr)
>Session 18 (Tyrr)
>Session 19 (Tyrr)
>Session 21 (Tyrr)
>Session 22 (Tyrr)
>Session 23 (Equilibria)
>Session 23 (Tyrr)
>Session 24 (Equilibria)
>Session 25 (Equilibria)
>Session 26 (Equilibria)
>Session 27 (Equilibria)
>Session 28 (Equilibria)
>Session 29 (Equilibria)
>Session 32 (Equilibria)
>Session 34 (Hildegarde)
>Session 35 (Hildegarde)
>Session 41 (Hildegarde)
>Session 42 (Hildegarde)

^Vengeance From Beyond The Grave

>Sandcat RPG stuff >Vengeance From Beyond The Grave >Session logs

Session logs
Session information
Session # Date Played Date In Game Author Log XP awarded Accumulated XP
0 1 Nightal 1479 DR GMs Introduction 0 0
1 14/12/2008 1 Nightal Tyrr Otherman's business? 75 75
Eowan Village Rampage!
2 21/12/2008 1-5 Nightal Lilsy Dragon breath! 100 175
Tyrr A good deed done.
3 28/12/2008 5 Nightal Tyrr Winterhaven. 100 275
Lilsy Kobold breath. Phew!
4 4/01/2009 5-6 Nightal Lilsy Love is in the air! 40 315
Tyrr A threat of kobolds.
5 11/01/2009 6 Nightal Lilsy More kobolds 160 475
Tyrr A kobolds lair.
Eowan Kobold cave.
6 18/01/2009 6 Nightal Lilsy Some dragon that was! 200 675
Tyrr Irontooth?
7 25/01/2009 6 Nightal Tyrr Sneaky business of a spy.. 40 715
8 01/02/2009 6-7 Nightal Equilibria Duped & Retribution 75 790
Tyrr Finding Douven perhaps?
Lilsy Two-faced!
9 08/02/2009 7 Nightal Tyrr Douven is alive! 110 900
10 15/02/2009 7-8 Nightal Tyrr Darkness inside the town 70 970
Eowan The spy is dead
Lilsy Three-faced!
11 22/02/2009 8 Nightal GMs Exploring the Keep, Session 1 130 1100
Tyrr Ruins of long time ago.
Ziruna Entering the keep
12 01/03/2009 8 Nightal GMs Exploring the Keep, Session 2 125 1225
Tyrr Exploring the remnants of the keep
13 08/03/2009 8 Nightal GMs Exploring the Keep, Session 3 145 1370
Tyrr Digging for something
14 15/03/2009 8-9 Nightal GMs Exploring the Keep, Session 4 125 1495
Tyrr The cavern below
15 22/03/2009 9 Nightal GMs Exploring the Keep, Session 5 220 1715
Tyrr The undead
16 29/03/2009 9 Nightal Equilibria Redemption denied, access granted 175 1890
17 05/04/2009 9 Nightal Tyrr Lord Keegan's misfortune 170 2060
18 12/04/2009 9 Nightal Tyrr More Hobgoblins.. 180 2240
19 26/04/2009 9-10 Nightal Tyrr Itsy bitsy spider.. 160 2400
20 03/05/2009 10 Nightal 165 2565
21 10/05/2009 10 Nightal Tyrr A test and a temple.. 165 2730
22 24/05/2009 10 Nightal Tyrr Kalarel at last.. 575 3305
23 31/05/2009 10-11 Nightal Equilibria Exit & rebuilding 150 3455
Tyrr The loss of Winterhaven
24 07/06/2009 12-13 Nightal Equilibria Welcome in Saruun Khel 180 3635
25 14/06/2009 14 Nightal Equilibria Exploring Saruun Khel 225 3860
26 21/06/2009 15 Nightal Equilibria Overstaying our welcome 215 4075
27 28/06/2009 15 Nightal Equilibria Exit halfling, enter werewolf? 80 4155
28 12/07/2009 15 Nightal Equilibria Lifting a curse 200 4355
29 26/07/2009 15-16 Nightal Equilibria Lifting of another curse, towards the Chamber 150 4505
30 02/08/2009 16 Nightal - - 270 4775
31 09/08/2009 16 Nightal - - 230 5005
32 16/08/2009 16 Nightal Equilibria Struck down 190 5195
33 30/08/2009 16-17 Nightal - - 120 5315
34 06/09/2009 17 Nightal Hildegarde Shopping & bar fight 125 5440
35 13/09/2009 17 Nightal Hildegarde Tripping the troglodytes 230 5670
36 20/09/2009 17-18 Nightal - - 175 5845
37 27/09/2009 18 Nightal - - 205 6050
38 04/10/2009 18 Nightal - - 175 6245
39 11/10/2009 18 Nightal - - 150 6395
40 18/10/2009 18 Nightal - - 250 6645
41 25/10/2009 18-19 Nightal Hildegarde Capture and escape 175 6820
42 01/11/2009 19 Nightal Hildegarde Loot for sale and a predicatable ambush 150 6970
43 15/11/2009 19 Nightal - - 250 7220
44 22/11/2009 19 Nightal - - 160 7380
45 29/11/2009 19 Nightal - - 90 7470
46 12/12/2009 19 Nightal - - 210 7680
47 19/12/2009 19-20 Nightal - - 450 8130
48 27/12/2009 20 Nightal - - 75 8205
49 03/01/2010 20 Nightal - - 200 8405
50 10/01/2010 20 Nightal - - 60 8465
51 17/01/2010 20 Nightal - - 75 8540
52 24/01/2010 20 Nightal - -
53 31/01/2010 20 Nightal - -
54 14/02/2010 20 Nightal - -
55 28/02/2010 20 Nightal - -

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Page design by Stijn (main layout) & Jake (textures and colours).

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