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>Session 1 (Daina)
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>Session 3 (Daina)
>Session 4 (Daina)
>Session 5 (Tal)
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>Session 7 (Daina)
>Session 8 (Tal)
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>Session 10 (Tal)
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>Session 12 (Daina)
>Session 13 (Tal)
>Session 14 (Daina)
>Session 15 (Daina)
>Session 16 (Daina)
>Session 17 (Tal)
>Session 18 (Daina)
>Session 19 (Daina)
>Session 20 (Daina)
>Session 21 (Daina)
>Session 22 (Daina)
>Session 23 (Daina)
>Session 24 (Daina)
>Session 25 (Daina)
>Session 26 (Daina)
>Session 27 (Daina)
>Session 28 (Tal)
>Session 29 (Daina)
>Session 30 (Daina)
>Session 31 (Daina)
>Session 32 (Daina)
>Session 33 (Daina)
>Session 34 (Daina)
>Session 35 (Daina)
>Session 36 (Daina)
>Session 37 (Daina)
>Session 38 (Tal)
>Session 39-40 (Daina)
>Session 41 (Tal)
>Session 42 (Tal)
>Session 43 (Daina)
>Session 44 (Tal)
>Session 45 (Tal)
>Session 46 (Tal)
>Session 47 (Daina)


>Sandcat RPG stuff >Numenera: The Pilgrimage >Sessions >Session 15 (Daina)

Session 15 (Daina)


Played on August 16th, 2015

Day 43 of our seven year journey (24th of Aftental)

Garm tells us some more about Vona, the Great Mother. Ryder thought it would be a good idea to start discussing mothers with Ariya, but after some wisecracks I ask him to apologise to her.
Garm, meanwhile, explains he's also kind of a tourist here in Yosh-Ul. But then all of a sudden Tal flips out at him, pointing at him as if he has seen a ghost, while yelling that Garm is an illusion. Our conversation goes south as Tal gets into a fight with Garm.
To avoid any further conflict Ryder whispers to me if it would be an idea to erase his memory. I agree as Garm might be able to tell us some more useful stuff, but he clearly won't in our current situation. A few whispers and gestures later, Garm looks a bit groggy. But then all of a sudden he looks like his former gentle self again, talking to us about Vona again. He goes on to explain which inn he usually visits in the city and then he continues to talk about the Great Slab and how it is a five-day travel to reach it.

We think he has told us all he's willing to tell us, although some of us think he might know more, so we continue on our way between all the market stalls.
Occasionally we ask a passer-by about the Great Slab or about Vona. Most of them ignore us basically. But some are willing to tell us a bit more. That way we learn that we should first go to chief Cornlin before we would be allowed an audience with Vona. They also told us where she lives.
Also, while strolling along the market stalls, I keep my eyes open in search of Numenera items, which Ryder and I could use to start building a big machine. We are not entirely sure yet how it is going to look, but in my visions and those of Cier, our Numenera teacher in the workshop in Colzo, it looked almost human and would able to help us out with certain tasks.

Once we're doing talking and shopping I consider it time for a refreshment so we head to one of the bigger tents, which people told us was an bar. The tent is nearly full with patrons and a few bartenders are rushing between them trying to provide every one of them with drinks.
I order a water for Thom and some kind of alcoholic beverage for the rest of us. For "just" 8 shins we are treated with Yokal, the local brew. Amongst the people here, there are people who have time to spend explaining us a bit more about the Great Slab. It turns out it's a straight up three kilometre rock face. They also tell us about the legends we've heard before, about the treasure on top. But they also tell us no one ever returned who has actually witnessed this treasure.
As I think we slightly overpayed for our drinks and because we'll need a place to sleep we leave the bar and start looking for an inn. Once we get to the Yosh-Inn, Tal shows his juggling talents again and asks the innkeeper if he can earn a room for the night and some food for the six of us. He tells us it depends if his inn will be packed tonight.
To make sure of that I go out to the market again advertising the performance of the great Tal. I also pay a short visit to the bar we went to earlier to try and persuade some of the people here to pay the inn a visit. But once the bartenders see me, I run for it, trying to avoid to get caught.
That night, during Tal's performance, Ariya is asking around about the Great Mother and if she's here tonight. Some drunk guy responds that "she's of course not here, she's got better things to do". Ariya then decides to pay Vona a visit. Drake joins her.
After Tal's performance I went around the room again to collect money from the people.

Vona - The Great Mother

A few hours later they both return looking blissful. The first thing they utter is that they have been blessed by Vona.
Once they've regained some more of their senses they tell us what they experienced tonight. So they left the inn, looking for Vona's house. Her doorway was covered with canvas covered in various tribe signs. They had to go past a few guards, but they just greeted them as they walked by. The guards had a sign looking like a bow and arrow.
Drake opened the canvas flap and mentioned they were good folk, wanting to visit the Great Mother. Ariya and Drake then heard a positive hummm coming from inside.
Strengthened in their believe that they were allowed to come in they entered the hallway. Drake asked if someone was there. At the end of the hallway to reached a circular room with some kind of throne build from tubes. It almost looked like a cage with one side open where they saw a very strange looking woman.

She said "Welcome" and smiled to Drake and Ariya. She continued to talk (although it almost sounded like melodious singing) and said she's Vona. She then said she is Yosh-Ul and everything in it. They asked her if she knew anything about the Kephi, to which she would just respond that she is Yosh-Ul and that she didn't know anything outside of it. She had been here for a very long time already, almost as if Yosh-Ul and the people inside the city had grown around her.
They went on to explain about how our group was travelling the world looking for the Kephi and the tales of the world. After Vona has listened very intently to this wonderful story she send Ariya and Drake on their way again after blessing them "Go with the blessing of Vona".

After we hear this tale we decide it would be awesome to also visit the Great Mother. So we decide to pay her a visit tomorrow before we head of to the Great Slab.

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